Our Community Standards & Policies

The nenos platform is a diverse community representing people from different backgrounds, walks of life, and perspectives. It is our mission and goal to create an online ecosystem where everyone can feel comfortable sharing and creating content with their friends and family. To accomplish this, we’ve created a set of standardized guidelines that all content creators must follow. These are broken into community standards (our day-to-day rules) and platform and company policies.

We understand that the key to a healthy community is the freedom of expression and we want to be, to the best of our ability, a marketplace of different and unique ideas. However, we also understand that we live in a world where, given the opportunity, some folks may engage in maliciousness, abuse, and purposeful disinformation and misinformation campaigns. As a result, content creation may be limited if it violates these standards. 

These standards are derived from three of our commitments: respecting you, supporting you, and protecting you.

Respecting our Community

Respecting our Community

To foster our climate of diversity and inclusivity, all content that you create should be respectful of others in, and out, of the community. You should not post any content that is considered discriminatory, hateful, violent, or disrespectful of other creators. Essentially, this is the “Golden Rule” of treating others as you would like to be treated. 

Supporting our Community

We believe that supporting the content creators on the platform means shielding them from misinformation and disinformation, and we will take steps to minimize the impact of such content. We will also support you by protecting copyrights and trademarks, that the civic information you view is accurate, and that your experience on the platform is as smooth as possible. 

Protecting our Community

It is important that all of our content creators feel protected. We will support you by safeguarding your personal and private information when applicable to give you the flexibility and space to express yourself.  Additionally, we will try our best to ensure the content that you view is authentic and not misleading. And finally, we will prohibit any content that promotes illegal activity.